I want Firefox to succeed more than ever and I support Mozilla finding better revenue sources than search engine default sales, but I do not support a $7M salary for its CEO.
I canceled my recurring donation to Mozilla because I need that money more than Mozilla’s CEO needs that money.
If there is a direct funding option of developers working on Firefox, I will happily reallocate that money. Send me links.
Source: Form 990 https://stateof.mozilla.org/
Edit: Replaced commentary with direct source
@kzimmermann @Jeremiah I use M FF to make sure the others don't get a monopoly. I started using FF years ago because of problems with MS IE. With FF I had less problems. In those days MS had over 90% of the browser market. Using FF by me has nothing to do with some kind of ethical question, it has to do with defending against monopolists. If FF would get a monopoly, I would get out of it.
@PeterMotte but isn't defending against monopoly some sort of ethical stance, too? :)
Come to think of it, I myself only use firefox because I like it, and I feel it's better. And that's it. I had never thought about the monopolization bit until only 5 years ago or something.
I like the browser - the product. Not the corporation that makes it.
@kzimmermann @Jeremiah Defending against a monopoly is making sure you can't become the victim of the monopolist's power. That's not necessarily an ethical stance, it's self defense.