My talk "Last Mile from Mobile Linux to the User" was accepted for #Installfest!
It will take place on Sunday, 16.03, at 14:30 in Track II.
I’ll be driving Brno → Prague in the morning and back in the evening. If you’d like to join, I still have plenty of space in my car.
You can also find me at the Ubuntu Touch stand—come say hi!
#MobileLinux #UbuntuTouch #SailfishOS #LinuxOnMobile
Check out the full conference schedule here:
@jmlich Congratulations and I wish you a lot of fun!
Sidenote: I wasn't aware of the fact that #ubuntutouch is still a thing. I've bought my first Nexus phone only to try it around the time Canonicals (?) Kickstarter campaign missed it's funding goal by only a little.
@M4x I have received OTA-8 update last week. It works for me as a daily driver. It is trying to fix all the hard things such as update of web browser or VoLTE.