Well, it looks like I've got some highly targeted yelling to do on Monday.
@jimsalter I assume you've seen https://stallman-report.org/ by now?
@grimmy I had not!
@grimmy oh this is ACES. Thank you. Will save me one hell of a lot of donkeywork.
@grimmy @jimsalter incredible counter-example to the usual “oh, I won't bother throwing that link at them, /surely/ they've already seen it a dozen times already!”
@bitprophet @jimsalter I know right? I hesitated but was like this is only from a few days ago so it could really go either way
@jimsalter I trust in your ability to tell him, in no uncertain terms, what an utter disgrace he is to the FLOSS community
@jimsalter You get mad props from me for working to fix the system from the inside.
As I've said several times elsewhere, getting him to step down would be a kindness to him whether he sees it that way or not, and one giant step towards removing a god awful blemish on the face of an organization that's done the technology sector an awful lot of good over the years.
@feoh @jimsalter IMHO the only thing lending any relevance to #FSF at this point is how much we talk about #RMS.
I won't deny the historical role, or the achievements of either.
But why bother propping up a toxic org?
@Theriac That, or a genuine belief in saving it? I don't know.
But I'd rather start fresh. Also because I think the software freedoms haven't been enough, so a philosophical refresh is also much needed - and it doesn't seem likely to happen with FSF involved.
@jens @Theriac @feoh ok, then what are you doing to stop every FOSS convention on the planet from giving them a booth?
If we consider the FSF to be a dumpster fire, you appear to be advocating for shoving it out of sight until it burns out, while I'm trying to pull the most combustible materials OUT to minimize how big the fire gets.
Those are not opposed goals.