Emacs 29 is more or less feature-complete and is going to be one of the most exciting Emacs releases in recent years. Built-in LSP support (via eglot), tree-sitter, wayland and plenty of other goodies are coming your way https://blog.phundrak.com/emacs-29-what-can-we-expect/
Exciting times ahead!
In Emacs we trust!
@bbatsov Oh wow, I didn't know they merged eglot! That's awesome! I'm also very excited about the first-party tree-sitter support since the current third-party support is... middling.
@bbatsov Being able to install packages via Git is also very nice! I know a few of my packages, as well as some from Mickey Petersen and others, aren't on any package archive, only on GitHub. I've just been cloning them and it's a whole pain.
@j3rn Can't remember the last time I needed a package that's not on MELPA, but I can imagine that's useful in some cases.