I'm really proud and excited to share my stealth mission from the past nine months...
Today — #Fastly commits $40M in free services to the @linuxfoundation's entire ecosystem of projects and maintainers.
The unique speed and performance of #Fastly's network are thanks in large part to the customization made possible by the #Linux #kernel, so we're proud to give back not only to the Linux community but also to the Foundation's extended ecosystem of #OSS projects.
Given the revelations about maintainer burnout that #OpenSource has experienced over the past months, the entire #FOSS ecosystem must ensure maintainers have the tools they need to sustain their projects.
Fastly does this by donating our global network to open source projects, so they can serve the community at scale. You help us make this sustainable by telling us how important it is to you.
So if you like #FastForward — let us know <3
@haubles @anildash @linuxfoundation This rings pretty hollow for me. As a maintainer of an LF projects and a former Fastly employee, I was unable to finish getting sponsorship and was left with a 5 figure bill.
Hi @seph, I lead #FastForward – can you email me at ha@fastly.com with the name of your project and some more information about what happened so I can try and help get to the bottom of this?
@haubles @anildash @linuxfoundation
Sure! I'll followup via email
@haubles That's really amazing! I believe Fastly already sponsors Debian's mirroring infrastructure as well. Really great to see companies contributing back to the open source community
@haubles @linuxfoundation That's awesome- thanks so much for this!