The idiots on planet Earth, busy with their dramas, hate, divisions, borders, competition. While they have global problems and common needs.
Their most popular news and activities should be about the wonderful rock they are lucky to be on. The creatures, the places, themselves. There are entire universes inside all of us. Inside even a single cell. There are endless stars and planets out there.
Intelligent species you say!?
Show must go on! The Caesar Roman general was nearly assassinated so now we can gossip, talk, debate, and be busy with this story for months or years. Some empire attacked another killing hundreds of thousands. Have you heard about the wife of the emperor cheating on him?
2024 is the same as 2024 BC. Same shit. Wars, conflicts, gossip, decimation of other creatures and destruction of the environment.
Same idiots, only that now we have internet, electricity and airplanes.
Unfortunately things are looking really grim right now for the world.... Man I hope we get through this without blowing each other up....
A lot of the things happening around us prove that people are seriously lacking good education and a sense of nuance.