We're kicking off a pilot program for Linux Community Ambassadors. If you're a Framework Laptop owner, regularly spend time at Linux-focused events, and want to help spread the word, you can learn more and apply here:
@thej is framework laptop available in India?
Not yet. But you can ask someone to bring it for you.
@thej I seriously want to try outside of Apple system. Been a Mac user since 2009.
Tried twice - once Dell and another Lenova. Both experiments failed. I had to gift those laptops and move back to Apple. It was a combination of "just works" for both apps and hardware in Apple vs fighting for drivers etc for Windows / Linux.
My homeschooled sons love windows/google phones. They won't touch Apple. :-)
Have heard great things about framework laptops. Want to try it.
@jjude I am not sure when you last tried. But if you buy a System76 or a Framework laptop which comes with OS, it should work well for you.
As far as the software tools that you buy outside (say Adobe stuff), they are limited, not all may be supported.
That said all kids/students requirements will be satisfied.
@jjude for students ( school and college ) I usually suggest one from Harmless Computers. They are fast enough, solid construction, good support, repairable and very affordable.
@frameworkcomputer I don't own a Framework laptop, so I'm not eligible (I wish I did, fwiw), however I do feel it worth asking for the people who are. You're offering basically stickers and merch in exchange for helping show off your hardware, which is cool, but given you want them to do this at events, I think you should offer more than that. Help pay for their room or a meal or somthing too. Make it worth their time, ya know?
All the love in the world, keep doing what you're doing on the hardware side - I hope to someday afford one of your amazing laptops. (NGL, It'd exclusively run Linux)
@krutonium Appreciate the feedback. Genuinely. I have added my own personal perspective on this in the thread as well. I try to make sure we're hearing everyone's voices on how this takes shape.
@frameworkcomputer probably @pinchito fix here
@frameworkcomputer For what it’s worth, I’m currently a Framework customer and am not thrilled about a startup seeking unpaid marketing staff. I don’t think it sends a great message about the company’s ability to advocate for itself.
PS: I’ve read the community thread so don’t need a reiteration of the staff’s responses.
@frameworkcomputer I don't go to events but I do use Linux on my Framework
@frameworkcomputer this is a great way to support people who are already evangelizing. I wish I had the opportunity to attend events, I would have loved to be involved. One way to interpret the pushback, on free labor; it's a mark of success. People see Framework as a legit and successful business and not a scrappy mission-driven bootstrap outfit. So congratulations!
However, it wouldn't hurt to work with the event organizers and offer ambassadors registration discounts when possible. Good luck!
@frameworkcomputer It's great that you wants to listen to the Linux community and be able to support Linux better!
But launching this program asking for volunteer work before even adding Linux as an OS option when buying one of your PCs seems a bit strange. Kinda a bit exploitative, almost.
I know you can order without OS and install whatever, but that does not send a message to people that Linux is a great option for these PCs. You should be an ambassador for Linux first.
I might've applied, but currently I don't own a Framework (though I want to be) and I also don't currently travel out-of-state enough to be a Community Ambassador.
Although I don't know what the "right" answer is, I think offering something more substantial to Community Ambassadors would be judicious - just my 2 cents.
The only closest example I can point to is the one for Pokémon Go:
I think Framework can clear the bar set by Niantic for when compensating community ambassadors.