I get the feeling too many people are sleeping on CentOS Stream because of how the CentOS #Linux EOL thing went down.
I mean sure, the messaging wasn't great but it happened and it is what it is. Don't let that detract from the greatness of the #CentOS Stream project in its own right and as a collaboration point for all the #RHEL based distros.
The gravity seems lost on most that for the first time ever the RHEL development process happens in the open. That's amazing. I love it. #community
@maxamillion While I agree, it's definitely not helping things that CentOS Stream still goes EOL well before RHEL, AlmaLinux, etc.
@maxamillion That doesn't mean it isn't good or useful, but that it takes more intentional consideration in deploying it than CentOS Linux did.
@maxamillion This is unfortunately not trivial. I've had some trouble with filing Github issues against CentOS Stream because the upstream only now "supports Rocky", etc. Having to cut through the FUD around it gets tiring, honestly, but CS is still really nice for having fast track container patches and as a CI platform. I mean, I'm still using it very much, but I understand why there's preference for the rebuilds.
@maxamillion I would also be quick to point out that CS is part of the success story for AlmaLinux as they build against CS repos ahead of their own releases, which is part of why they're so quick to have stuff out when RHEL releases (especially compared to Rocky and Oracle who tend to have significant more lag).
@maxamillion I don't have the bandwidth for this right now, but sometime I'd be curious to test the differences between CS and AlmaLinux with the testing repo enabled.
@vwbusguy @maxamillion It's going to be very close, because CentOS Stream is very close to RHEL itself. When I've measured it, it's typically 90-95% the same software versions depending on where in the cycle you are.
@carlwgeorge @maxamillion Sometimes things that are in CS that aren't in RHEL end up in the dev/testing repo for AlmaLinux. For example, when OpenLDAP got abruptly pulled and reinstated in RHEL, it became available in CS first and was in the Alma testing repos ahead of the next RHEL release that added it back in.