Mozilla CEO made around 7 million USD last year, but hosting bills are pending. Now, they updated the ToS, and you can't watch p0rn, or your data will be sold, or they no longer care about the orignal mission, etc. Once again, we see C-suits lose their grip on reality. As long as they are getting paid in millions, software projects can go to /dev/null. It is like they want to ruin the project on purpose. There is no other explanation I can think of. Can you?
@nixCraft Yesterday, I tried to help a friend by looking up a kitchen appliance on the Sur La Table web site to see if they carried the product. A few minutes later, I got some spam from some nonentity calling itself thanking me for "checking us out." I had not logged in and Firefox was configure to delete cookies when it closes.
I put both on my shit list: what would you do if visited a store and they had someone follow you home and put trash in your mailbox?
@nixCraft To add some additional info: I use a password manager and save a backup copy of the passwords in an encrypted file. There was no entry for nor any emails from that domain. My guess is that safeopts is using fingerprinting and that some other website gave my email address, which as far as I'm concerned is a gross violation of privacy.
In terms of respecting its citizen's privacy, the U.S. is at rock bottom.