Seems like there is some interest in having a local #GNOME meetup in #Oslo , where I live. Not a hackfest or anything Berlin-level (yet), just an informal meeting in an easily accessible place, for both contributors and anyone else who is interested and happens to live nearby.
Does anybody here have any previous experience with this? What is it like? What is there to talk about? What kinds of venues are best suited? Any other useful pieces of advice? I could go on and on…
By the way, if you're from Scandinavia and interested in getting to know more local GNOME contributors/users, come join us in the GNOME Scandinavia room on Matrix!
@bragefuglseth I haven't been to any, and I'm not really a gnome user, but I'd check with OLUG (Oslo Linux Users Group) and NUUG (Norwegian Unix Users Group, to see what kind of experience they have.
I'm not sure how active either of them are now, but there is at least _some_ activity, and they've been around for ages.
@bragefuglseth Cool! I'd love to join :)
@bragefuglseth When we did the first public meetups in Berlin a few years back we just met in a bar, and put a sharepic on Mastodon with the time/date. There wasn't any particular agenda or plan, but there was more than enough to talk about anyway.
We never had more than a handful of people we didn't know yet show up, but some of those stuck around and became super involved :)
@bragefuglseth Side note: I'm very excited about more people starting local communities
@bragefuglseth perhaps @hackeriet could be a place to meet?
@kusma Hmmmm, I'll look into it! Thanks for the suggestion.
Yes, you can totes borrow Hackeriet for this :)
@bragefuglseth sidenote, but a good fediverse alternative to meetup would be awesome!
@havchr Have you looked at @mobilizon? @bragefuglseth
@forteller @mobilizon @bragefuglseth Yes, but last time I looked at it, it was a bit rough around the edges. Probably makes sense go with mobilizon and help it reach traction and improve through feedback and donations/contributions