@pixelherodev @RL_Dane
Hmm, OpemBSD is a new one to me too. XD
Okay, so swaybg is great and all, and there are good tools for wayland (like clipman), but I *despise* swaylock. Maybe it's just me. I've never liked it, though the reasons are always shifting. The primary one has always been that it's far less customizable than i3lock was. For example, I can't find an option to passthrough media keys so that my bluetooth headset's controls work when my laptop is locked.
@benjaminhollon There's a flag you can add to your key bindings in your sway config that will pass them through swaylock. It works for my keyboard media keys, I assume Bluetooth keys work the same.
There is??? What's the flag? I couldn't find it anywhere when I looked.
@benjaminhollon Had to check. Just add --locked after the bindsym command. I'm not sure how recent it is but I've had it for a while.
Ooh, okay. I would've expected it to be a flag of the screenlocker. I never even realized bindsym *accepted* flags. Good to know, thank you much! I will update my config now. :)
Hmm, it's causing some visual weirdness where swaylock's indicator is showing it as a keypress, but functionally it works. Very nice!
There's also a bit of glitchy-looking-ness, might be caused by wob running behind the scenes. Eh, not a huge deal.
@benjaminhollon Hmm. I also use wob but don't remember getting anything weird.
@moddedbear Hmm, okay. Probably not that then.