Just "released" the first usable version of #Convo, an #XMPP messaging app for #KaiOS and #JioPhone feature phones!
I was hoping to release a more complete version as 1.0, but that's taking a while, and people are already starting to use it as it is (especially with the impending shuttering of #WhatsApp on KaiOS) so I decided to get this out right away
I've also submitted to the #BananaStore, so hopefully it should be out there soon
Update: it's now out on the #BananaHackers store
What is this for? An empty ping? Maybe you are playing ping pong? PONG
@badrihippo Hey, that's great! You should consider adding a DOAP file and have your client listed on https://xmpp.org/software/?platform=all-platforms !
Have you tested the client against Openfire? I've got no experience with KaiOS, but I'd be happy to help debug Openfire-specific issues with the client!
@badrihippo sweet! If you do want to get started with Openfire testing, then this guide is probably helpful. It allows for a new local server to be created in the easiest possible manner that we could think of: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/igniterealtime/Openfire/refs/heads/main/documentation/demoboot-guide.html
@guusdk I should mention that the backend for Convo is #ConverseJS, so things *should* work. That said, there could always be problems introduced by KaiOS-specific limitations (I had to "translate" some stuff to make it run on its ancient browser engine)
@badrihippo nice, thanks for making this! What versions of KaiOS does it work with? This may be the thing that pushes me over the edge to swapping back to a feature phone. Thanks again!
@sam oop I missed seeing this before. You're welcome! The more people who can switch to button phones the better, I say
I've tested it on KaiOS 2 since that's the device I have (with 512MB RAM). Not sure how exactly KaiOS 3 works but it should be easy to get it going there? Especially now as I'm yet to implement any device-specific calls (like notifications); it's all standard JavaScript
@chiku thanks!
Nice! I didn't know about jiophone, now I want one
@jaj there's no JioPhone, but I think there'd be other phones running KaiOS available in Europe?
They might be a bit old though (or only on the secondhand market). For some reason KaiOS has been focusing on the USA of late. The first KaiOS 3 phone to be released outside the USA came out in Japan only recently
I'll let you know if I come across any interesting European options!
I didn't know KaiOS was so ubiquitous, I never heard about it!
@jaj I mean, it is still very niche despite being available all over the world. Very thinly. spread, you could say