Is its possible to have a #mastodon -like #fediverse #instance that uses #reticulum #meshnetwork #network like #nomadnet ?
( #reticulummeshchat is great but has no #group #chats at the moment )
@adingbatponder haven't looked into Mastodon like this but BBSs over Meshtastic/Reticulum could integrate with ActivityPub over web hooks. The only question is whether it needs to the greater internet or just community level.
@bunbloc thought I'd tag you in. This poster covers a lot of Mesh topics you may be interested in.
@Sh4d0w_H34rt @bunbloc Oh, sorry, was not clear. I was thinking of a #mastodon instance solely over #reticulum using #LXMF and not via any other protocol, to make it a bit special and to provide superb chat rooms or group chats and fill that current gap. #reticulum allows for images of course. Would work very well indeed perhaps. Was wondering how much code would need changing to #mastodon to port it to a #reticulum #node #nomad server ...