I wanted to test some #vim issues I was having with #intelephense and #WordPress core functions. So what do I do? Install #NixOS and spend most of the weekend trying to understand/configure it so I can use vim there...
Sounds like my workflow. :)
Did you know you can do systemwide vim config including plugins from your configuration.nix? I haven't tried it yet, but I want to someday! You can even have multiple vim instances set up like that with different settings and even different binary names.
@benjaminhollon Just learning that. I setup home manager and am tweaking things as we speak. Using #qemu right now as a testing bed. If I get this setup well, I may pull a distro hop.
Going to take a break from actively learning and poke at settings. Then I may look into flakes. Seems like a very interesting OS.
Though I generally consider myself somewhat of a purist with Linux, and want things to be configured as intended. Probably why I don't like Snaps and friends...
Also, meh. This is fun
The nice thing about home manager is if you decide you don't like NixOS, you can bring your home-manager config with you to your distro of choice.