I2PD Browser Set Up Scripts Using SSH Key Authentication (utilizing 24/7 remotely hosted i2pd router)
#HumanRights #Linux #privacy #librewolf #bash #i2prouter #tech #i2pd #proxy #anonymous #anonymity #peertube #video #liberty #libre #freedom
#HowTo Selfhosting Nearly Any Site On The Darkweb Using I2PD (light option ideal for single board computers and more
SECURITY BENEFIT: end-to-end #encryption overlay (no #https needed) & w/network range/IP not viewable, more challenge to attack other server services
READ / WATCH ON I2P: http://righttoprivacy.i2p/selfhost-darkweb-site-using-i2pd/
#i2pd #darknet #darkweb #development #webDev #encryption #infosec #cybersecurity
@RTP time to selfhost how to build a kitchen table on the darknet
@Notafbihoneypot69 The time has come to flood the market with anonymous decentralized kitchen table construction instruction