Our In-Process blog is out! Featuring:
- Update on NVDA 2025.1
- Planning for CSUN
- What's on the web
- Reading paragraphs in Braille
And bonus history of the Pilcrow! (Ok I was interested)
@NVAccess Thanks for sharing the information on NVDA 2025.1. For NVDA Remote, is there a plan in place for corporate/secure environments where Remote needs to be excluded?
@BTyson As with the add-on now, data will only be sent anywhere if it is enabled from both sides, so using the feature would be a conscious decision.
For security conscious organisations, it would be disabled in secure mode, as various other features are now.
Do you envisage any concerns not addressed by those points?
@jonathan859 @BTyson secure mode is a more locked down mode to meet the needs of more secure environments. Full details in the user guide: https://download.nvaccess.org/documentation/userGuide.html#SecureMode