Our In-Process blog is out! Featuring:
- Update on NVDA 2025.1
- Planning for CSUN
- What's on the web
- Reading paragraphs in Braille
And bonus history of the Pilcrow! (Ok I was interested)
@NVAccess Thanks for sharing the information on NVDA 2025.1. For NVDA Remote, is there a plan in place for corporate/secure environments where Remote needs to be excluded?
@BTyson As with the add-on now, data will only be sent anywhere if it is enabled from both sides, so using the feature would be a conscious decision.
For security conscious organisations, it would be disabled in secure mode, as various other features are now.
Do you envisage any concerns not addressed by those points?
@NVAccess Are you saying that there will be an explicit option in NVDA to disable Remote?
@BTyson Yes :) Not sure exactly where we're at implementing everything so I'll have to hold off on specifics of what the option will be called etc, but yes there will be an option.
@jonathan859 @BTyson secure mode is a more locked down mode to meet the needs of more secure environments. Full details in the user guide: https://download.nvaccess.org/documentation/userGuide.html#SecureMode