well at least one of these was easy:
shoutout @buttondown i'm sorry for not replying to any of your nice onboarding emails i was stressed and then i just poked around your dashboard until boom done
Houston, we have Inbox Zero
going back to school tomorrow, so it is only appropriate that i just finished my quarterly reflections.
y1q4: https://figbert.com/posts/stanford-quarterly-reflection-04/
y2q1: https://figbert.com/posts/stanford-quarterly-reflection-05/
the left side is now complete. center i'm working on, feel free to reach out. the bottom right is probably impossible. center right is on the backburner. top right is nearing completion and i'm super excited about it!
guys i'm very excited it just launched, check it out: https://blinddateabook.com
i should learn how to announce things now that i'm making stuff all the time
@buttondown one day in the future if i try and send emails from an address on my own domain i am worried it will be a pain because of my custom email setup. would love to be able to have buttondown work with an existing smtp account. happy with it as-is, but dreaming!