Haskell. Its tool chain and version management pose significant hurdles, admittedly.
While the language itself inspires wonder, I must confess that the tooling falls short when measured against the high standards set by contemporary languages like Go and Rust.
In all fairness, we should recognize its historical context, where Haskell competed with C. From that perspective, its advancements were indeed commendable, and it's miles ahead of the rather "horrible" tooling in C.
@Amirography oh well I have to say that to me C doesn't simply have tooling. There are some things, but I've never seen a C project actually effectively managing dependencies and doing linting the proper way, for example.
Taking this absence into account of course makes Haskell look like the cool kid on the block.
Actually the thing that irked me a lot at the time wasn't Cabal itself or Stack for example, but the fact that you had to know by heart which extensions for GHC you were using.
@dottorblaster I see your point and that also bothers me as well, but what is more disappointing to me is the sad state of backwards or forwards compatibility: it is non-existing.
Both of our criticisms are rooted in the tact that haskell is research language. But I still wished that there was something on par with haskell that was intended for industry, tooling-wise, without giving up the beauty of the language itself.
@Amirography really same same, when I had the feeling and I was actually explained that Haskell is a research language I almost lost interest in it, also I'm extremely aware that I found some toxic elements in the community so really not a super pleasant experience.
I wish the same, also because the industry _is_ actually taking advantage of GHC's capabilities in very specific areas, like Klarna or Meta or other companies _have_ production software written in Haskell.