I want to state the obvious.
Alphabet's Q4 2024 net income was 100 billion dollars, but that's not enough for 2025. Alphabet needs to increase their profits for 2025, because the shareholders demand a constant increase in share price.
Alphabet not only has to maintain their already stupendous profits in 2025 Q1, but find even more.
It's hopelessly naive to think a corporation like this would not seek profits from unethical business at the latest when they can't squeeze more from ethical ones.
So decisions like creating AI weapons are self-evidently going to happen as time passes. It's an logical necessity, not a betrayal of principles.
As long as this inevitability is not understood, and people think corporations could "be better" if they chose to, we're stuck.
Corporations can't be better. The more time passes the worse they get.
@ttiurani We call it "Growth". It's the latest target of the UK government. It requires a 3rd runway to be built at Heathrow Airport, though that was regarded as an environmental disgrace when they were in opposition. It's actually a cancer, destroying us.