What do you use to build websites without JS?
Edit: need a #wysiwyg static site builder.
@mook in a text editor?
@travisfw@fosstodon.org yeah any text editor will do, just learn all the main tags, you can write write up a generic html template and copy it a bunch, the thing you wanna look for is making it "responsive" ( mobile friendly ) and semantic i.e. marked up meaningfully, personally i use microformats because easy
@mook gotta say I don't think hand coding html in a text editor's gonna work for me. I'm too rusty. I did some of that back in the early '00s and it was cumbersome and revisions were hard. I was considering asciidoc, though.
it's really not that hard, you just gotta remember to close the tags, if you're just doing a blog or something, and best practices are easy to find say on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML
i know you think you want some kind of static site genetor because it will be easier, but you'll spend just as much time learning that and find less control over look and feel than just learning html and css
but there's a shit ton of "static site generators", there's one called jeckle that github users, ghostblog is popular, wordpress of course
OR you can literally just jack the html of a website you like and change it up to your liking
all you'd really need to hand-code is the is the <head> which could serve as a template, and then you'd just edit the <title> </title> and and maybe few other things
you can just use a mark down editor, like write your post first in markdown, convert it to html and paste it into the html file, i use a program called ghostwriter for this.
@mook I did a lot of this back in the day. Not gonna recommend it to my dad. Cumbersome/fragile/technical.
@dnaod thanks but markdown is a bit too simple. I've already recommended asciidoc so a downgrade isn't in order.
@travisfw and for site navigation and headers/footers just use editor with multifile support (Notepad++) find replace for multiple files at once... I found this the hardest part back in the days. Tiny change in header, and manually comb through all navigation on all the pages
@markku html text files are cumbersome/fragile/technical. A no-go for the needs.