Don't want to jinx it, but the Textual tree control is as feature complete as it needs to be.
Didn't take long to build a DirectoryTree out of it.
If you aren't familiar with Textual (I am new here), it is a TUI framework for Python.
@willmcgugan Maybe this article can help?
@agateau @willmcgugan thanks for sharing before than me. I wrote the article after posting a short #video from the #UbuntuSummit 2022
Here's the proof that after a #resize ofthe video you can #upload it in #madston
@paulox @willmcgugan You're welcome, I struggled to post videos on Mastodon in the past. I plan to use your article as a reference next time I have to do so.
@agateau @willmcgugan I'm glad to read that. I usually write articles mainly for later reading myself. If they are also useful to others, it makes me very happy.