Divine Creator,
In the face of the tumultuous events unfolding in a seemingly 'small' corner of our #world, it is evident that our planet stands forever altered, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of time. Time and again, we have demonstrated our unworthiness of your abundant blessings, and there lingers a profound fear that we may have forfeited the remnants of our shared #humanity.
I humbly seek your #forgiveness for our ingratitude toward the gifts you bestowed upon us. I implore you, in my #prayers, that in the creation of future universes, those who seek to #oppress might be compelled to grant the rest the agency to 'opt-in' to any path of #harm.
May this way, the #innocent among us, those aspiring to lead lives of peace and remembrance of your divine presence, be shielded from the anguish imposed upon them. Let them raise their children in tranquility, free from the tumult that engulfs the rest of us, who regrettably squander our time in conflict and strife, ultimately returning to your embrace.