Why doesn't the official GTK4 documentation for GtkLabel actually set _any_ of the useful label attributes in their buildable example. Like.... the content of the label or something...
Even Gtk.Widget has better documentation on the Gtk.Label code than the Gtk.Label page itself...
I'll just use glade again
@martijnbraam My goto is just looking stuff up directly in Workbench these days, it has examples for pretty much anything :)
@tbernard maybe the gnome devs should y'know... update documentation once in a while instead of keeping building new toys and discarding the old ones
@martijnbraam I'm sure issues/MRs would be appreciated :)
@tbernard what's the point? gnome's gonna do what gnome's gonna do
@martijnbraam I mean it's a community project, stuff gets done if people show up and do it
@tbernard why is it my job to fix the entire world? I don't want to go contribute projects again where I can't even be proud about the stuff I worked on.
If GTK doesn't even have the inherit desire to have good documentation and documentation has to be written by people that don't know how it works yet then you might as well shut down the docs site entirely.
@martijnbraam @tbernard How charming!
@martijnbraam @tbernard I mean... at least creating an issue will ensure GTK devs know about the problem. I believe there is a smaller chance that GTK devs will see a mastodon post and suddenly fix the issue.
@martijnbraam what attribute you want to set? Setting the content I think would go by `<attribute name="label" value="Hello World"/>`