Forgot to publish my latest entry for day 68 of #100DaysToOffload
My #MonthlySummary for august!
#Movies, #anime, some proper #reading, everything! Except for some borked activity tracking data :c
The amount of typos on this is quite something, I'm gonna fix it later today lol
@joel I really like your summary post format! It inspires me to do something with the media log I'm keeping in a txt file locally :)
@semaj imma need to know how you do that plain text log thing
@joel Literally just a text note that I update every few days to keep track of what i've been consuming.
I tried a database in obsidian but it got annoying to update, so plain text won!
@joel that looks interesting. I’m using Toggl for time tracking and sending my data into for analysis. I’m going to write an updated post about my life tracking endeavours soon :)
@joel Read through it and understood everything, didn't even see them :p
@joel huh... Who pushed you for this?
@yabozdar some very annoying guy on the internet who was very persuasive ;)
@joel your fiction has some truth.