@jamesravey @ludicity : have you a link to that Synergy Greg piece ?
I’ve read https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/you-must-read-at-least-one-book-to-ride/ and can’t agree more. I’m even forcing my students to read one book during the semester and had the exact same experience : read books to get better. (before writing my last novel, I spent one year reading 10 books from various authors about "how to write a novel". I thought I didn’t need it. I was already a published author after all. But, wow, the effect on my writing was massive)
@ploum that's awesome! Generally I have to say I really love pretty much everything @ludicity has to say about AI and the tech industry and I heartily share his work with my colleagues - I also really enjoy a lot of your essays too
Synergy Greg is a standalone poem: https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/synergy-greg/
But he is also referenced in "I will fucking piledrive you if you mention AI again" https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/i-will-fucking-piledrive-you-if-you-mention-ai-again/
@jamesravey @ludicity : thanks, another RSS feed to discover!
@jamesravey @ludicity : that’s fine, that means that Julius and Synergy Greg can both have great and complementary careers ;-)
@ploum @jamesravey Someone just sent me the Julius piece, and I only realized it was you a few seconds ago because it mentioned sci-fi writing. It was absolutely amazing, and I cracked up at the very last line.
@ploum Thank you for the kind words re: the blog!
And re: writing, as I am about to seriously commit novel writing time in January, what ended up being your favourite books?