Framework turned 5 years old this week! 7 laptop launches, 32 countries, and 60 team members later, we’re still just getting started. We have most of an industry left to fix.
Today, we’re sharing **the original game plan** we wrote in **2019** before starting.
Please consider branching out into modular electric cars someday.. hey, if Apple can consider it......?
only the biggest companies in the world can try to build cars.
You would need to have massive resources, both in money and personal to even get things started.
There are nearly endless patents, laws and regulations to take care of.
I'm sorry for being so realistic. Take care!
@frameworkcomputer congratulation!
I am happy that you've reached this milestone and cannot wait to support you in the future.
Godspeed ahead!
@frameworkcomputer congratulations!
@frameworkcomputer Congrats on the milestone! Looking forward to what you all can do in the next 5 years.
@frameworkcomputer congratulations! Love my Framework 13 Laptop - great hardware. Wishing you the best for the next 5 years!
@frameworkcomputer Very curious that you chose to prioritize good and repairable over openness. According to what we’ve heard, you had the open-firmware idea early on (with a Coreboot developer being employed), but dropped it due to… reasons? We’d love to hear more about that, maybe once the next generations of mainboards ship with Coreboot (or with BootGuard disabled).
@frameworkcomputer Also, to be clear, it seems plausible that capitalism forced your hand in this order. No good = no customers = no money = no pay for coreboot devs
@frameworkcomputer I'm really pleased that this coincided so closely with an article I wrote promoting Framework based on my experience with the FW13 this year.
Really fabulous work, FW -- keep it coming!
@frameworkcomputer I remember when nearly five years ago I discovered you. My gosh, what an amazing journey that you started. Congratulations!
@frameworkcomputer Wow 32 countries is great Really wish Japan was one of those 32 countries so I could finally buy a Framework laptop!
@citadel1 @frameworkcomputer it's worth smuggling one in from a quick visit to Taiwan love my FW 16! Never would've thought the fingerprint reader to work so flawlessly!
@filipefreire @frameworkcomputer is that what you ended up doing?
@citadel1 @frameworkcomputer nah.. I waited for them to ship to my home country like a coward...
@filipefreire @frameworkcomputer oh okay Well I'll probably wait too unless I happen to be travelling to Taiwan someday.