I am in a love/hate relationship with docker. I see it's positive sides and love how versatile it is, but sometimes getting stuff to run is mind breaking... I'm currently on a Mac m1 and yesterday something strange started happening. I bring up my services with docker compose up and stop them with ctrl+c. Now when I restart them, docker can't resolve some host. Solution is to issue a docker compose down first and then up again. Then everything is downloading and resolving fine...#Mac #docker #m1
@derwaro docker compose up -d so you don’t have to ctrl-c them?
@dottorblaster yeah, I should start doing that! ATM I will be doing it still without the -d flag, because of error messages that I want to copy for investigation :) unfortunately I can't copy from lazydocker, which I use to monitor
@derwaro can relate, no problemo. Just know that you can use also docker logs for that