What is the best UI for the #PineTab2 ?
I might use this data for the next PineTab 2 image!
@danctnix can you add a "i just want to see the results" options
@trancilo I would add more options if @fosstodon allows more than 4 options.
Not sure if that's a Mastodon limitation.
I use Plasma Mobile.
Has some warts but works.
@danctnix Depends on what you want to optimize for.
In my experience LXQT is a lot faster than any of the other 3 when docked with the keyboard, but does require a bit of config to fill in missing components, and of course they're still working on full Wayland compatibility.
Plasma's tablet support is much better, but it's...so...slow.
I recently installed Gnome and Phosh, but haven't used either enough to have a sense of how well I like the performance or usability.