I know a lot of people switched to the new #Adwaita fonts right after their conception, but I've actually sticked with Cantarell 'till the very end except for some light testing. Just upgraded to the latest Fedora beta with the new fonts, and it's a whole new world!
This is the culmination of years of discussion and research by many people, but @monster deserves a special thanks for spearheading this particular solution and pushing the initiative over the finish line once and for all.
With that said, I'd also like to thank Cantarell for more than a decade in service of #GNOME.
I liked Cantarell. Inter is a better font and I'm looking forward to the update, but I suspect it'll be a while before Inter feels like home.
Thank you! The process was a lot of fun, even if stressful at times, and it definitely gave me a lot of passion for fonts :)
@bragefuglseth @monster The new fonts also render so much better. They look so sharp on my old low pixel density monitor, I wouldn't have imagined a font could look sharp on that thing.
@bragefuglseth have you also made the switch for the mono font? I went from Source Code Pro to Commit Mono. It was one of the contenders, but another one was selected in the end. I still think Commit is the better choice.
@afranke Yeah, the update switched me over to Adwaita Mono as well. I think it's fine, but honestly any decent monospace font would do.