@benjaminhollon @sotolf @ctietze
Ok, I gotta know:
find ~ -xdev -exec \ls -lad {} + |cut -c1 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n
Paste the output in your reply ;)
Took a while. 7mins, it says, but felt like 70.
1 .
3 p
46 s
70834 l
928534 d
5010390 -
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf
Now I only wish I had more useful info -- like, is this all in the build cache folder or something like that? Not going to tinker with the output with 7min feedback cycles though
@ctietze @benjaminhollon @sotolf
If you've got time to burn, you could try running this one-liner from your homedir that will tell you how many files and subdirectories each directory has:
for x in * .[^.]*; do mountpoint -q "$x" && continue; [[ -d $x ]] || continue; printf "%6d %s\n" $(find "$x" -xdev |wc -l) "$x"; done |sort -n
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @sotolf @ctietze
I’m late. But here:
twizzay@debian:~$ find ~ -xdev -exec \ls -lad {} + |cut -c1 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n
17 l
3837 d
48443 -