As a macOS user, my #Linux journey began with trying to make my DE look & work like #macOS, but with the added features a Linux DE provides - first #GNOME, then #KDE, finally settling on #Cinnamon as my favorite.
Then @thelinuxEXP released his video about bad UX design where he trashed the concept of a menu to launch apps & demonstrated how GNOME’s approach is superior…
“You must un-learn what you have learned.“ —Yoda
My (mostly) stock GNOME immersion begins now.
I respectfully disagree with this assessment.
I am a heavy user of the window list in the taskbar. On #Cinnamon I even disable the default icon view because I prefer to see the window titles. This way I can immediately see where I want to go next
I am of course a bit biased since I have to use #Windows for work. But I am for sure not the only victim of these circumstances...
I think the choice between @gnome and @kde / #Cinnamon is highly subjective.
@ASP @thelinuxEXP @gnome @kde I may end up disagreeing as well, but I also want to remain open to new and different ways of doing things. I don’t use computers for work anymore, so Linux has become a hobby that allows me the flexibility to try different concepts. Who knows? I may hate it and go back to #Cinnamon.
I’m VERY excited to see what System76 does with #Cosmic. It looks great so far.
@ASP @thelinuxEXP @gnome @kde @system76 #Cosmic is built in #Rust using the #iced library.
@RockyC @thelinuxEXP @gnome @kde @system76
Thank you for the clarification!