My favorite feature of #Windows 11?
an ssh client installed by default.
So I can escape this benighted place. XD
@RL_Dane You sure that's not hidden under every version of Windows?
Ah, it seems Windows 10 has it as well.
Not sure if Windows 7 had it, I know windows XP did not, as I always had to use PuTTY on those machines.
Of course, we don't mention VISTA. X'D
I believe Win7 did.
Of course, your average Windows user does not know how to get to a command prompt.
@RL_Dane my favorite feature was installing any flavor of Linux. I dread the day I have to use Windows 11 for work. Used it a bit for a personal laptop and it got to be too much of an advertisement than an operating system.
It's horrendous, and the UI design is the worst I've ever seen.
@RL_Dane it doesn’t really even make sense either.
@RL_Dane my favourite feature of win11 is it's absence from my computing systems
@RL_Dane Later versions of Windows 10 have that too, making even less reason to up-/down-grade...
I noticed. I wonder which version was the first to get ssh baked-in.
I know I definitely had to use #PuTTY on #WindowsXP back in the naughties.
@RL_Dane I think it was a later version of 10. 8.1 doesn't have it and I don't remember early versions of 10 having it either?
I didn't think to look until yesterday when I was on my aunt's computer and wanted to ssh into my laptop so that... it wouldn't suck so much? XD
@RL_Dane I just use PuTTY - it's easier...
Pretty sure I haven't used #PuTTY once since 2013, but that's just because I've been on MacOSX and #Linux the whole time, and the few times I had to use windows, I just used #Cygwin.
Not enough love, Cygwin. It's like reverse-WINE. (Of course, it does help that Windows has a (probably badly implemented and somewhat cursed) POSIX layer.)
@RL_Dane CygWin felt insecure when I was deciding on a layer, so I chose MinGW32 and MSYS. I wish I'd chosen MinGW64 and MSYS2 as they have backwards compatibility now anyway, but it's too late to replace my entire stack...
@RL_Dane Busybox for Windows helps a lot: