@RL_Dane I've used it once to make a call to a regular phone (using a SIP service, of course). There is some time already, but it worked nice.
Cool, I'll have to try it, thanks :)
@RL_Dane phone calls via your SIP provider, I didn’t manage SMS so far
@RL_Dane dunno, i use it with sipgate, and it barely works (phone calls only arrive when linphone is in the foreground); linphone have some paid services but I don’t know how well that would work
I really need to read up on how SIP works. I'm totally in the dark.
I guess you have to buy a service to provide SIP-to-POTS separately? Does Linphone not provide that at all, even on a paid tier?
@RL_Dane uh, no idea… I just use the software called linphone…
@RL_Dane Looks like it's SIP and it has apps to connect with Android and iPhone. It doesn't seem like it has eSIM compatibility, etc.
What I'm hoping to find is a solution that will let me eventually transfer my cell phone number over (once I properly vet the service) and will allow me to:
* answer/compose texts on the phone or the desktop
* Ensure synchronization of texts and call logs between phone and desktop
* Have some sort of archiving solution so I can save text messages for legal reasons.
@RL_Dane I use #KDEConnect to integrate with my #Fedora stuff and I archive my text messages to my #Nextcloud through a nextcloud app. Admittedly, I also use Google Voice, which is a doubled edged sword for privacy, but definitely helps leverage multi-device integrations.
@RL_Dane I did try one time to make a carrier free wifi-only SIP phone out of an iPod touch back around 2009/2010 and the quality of service wasn't great and I definitely had to jailbreak it to make it work at the time. That was back when gpodder still worked on iOS devices from Linux, which is no longer the case.
Google Voice would be kind of perfect, but yeah that's really asking the wolf to watch the lambs for you ;)
I ported my Oklahoma number over to it ten years ago, and it worked pretty well.
I might need to try Line2. It seems similar, and I feel better paying for the product (than being it, lol)
@RL_Dane Yeah, it's interesting. It obfuscates stuff from your phone company, but Google then can index all your text messages and voice mail. But there's no denying that the service itself works and works very well.
For some reason, #KDEConnect just doesn't like me. I think my SMS DB is bigger than it knows how to handle, and it just chokes.
Otherwise, it'd be the perfect solution.