One of my greatest joys as #TYPO3 project ambassador is our knowledge-transfer projects with the #GlobalSouth. It’s also an important learning opportunity for the #GlobalNorth. @typo3 1/6
#GovernmentIT projects should have a long-term and holistic perspective, and embed #GoodGovernance and #DigitalSovereignty principles. The public benefit should also be clearly defined and go beyond the product itself. 2/6
These ideals are practiced within well-governed, #NotForProfit, #OpenSource projects. Shared code and knowledge is a public good, and the philosophy harmonizes well with some of the most fundamental ideals upon which countries are built. #FOSS #NonProfit 3/6
An #OpenSource project is like a country. Choosing an open-source project should be like asking: Is this a country I’d like to live in? 4/6
I have the distinct impression that the #GlobalNorth has yet to fully appreciate this perspective. It’s sad to see failed IT projects and lack of #DigitalSovereignty being covered up with #money, rather than addressing the underlaying issues. 5/6
Countries in the #GlobalSouth understand that #cooperation, developing good #governance, and #sharing code and expertise, will develop the #economy — and the country at large. #GlobalNorth, it’s time to look South!