#Nintendo64 + 3 controllers + 19 games for sale for €250! The price is based on what resellers are offering. Free TV included if picked up in #Amsterdam.
I tested all games this morning and they all work fine. #Nintendo64 games:
Super Mario 64
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
GoldenEye 007
Yoshi's Story
Super Smash Bros.
Pokémon Stadium
Bomberman 64
Forsaken 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Turok 2
Donkey Kong 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Rayman 2
Mischief Makers
Superstar Soccer
AllStar Tennis
@Gina That's the kind of fruit basket I like the most!
@Gina My gf is getting totally mad seeing this "I WANT THAT"
@stux get ittt! It's still available
@Gina I'll keep it in mind..!
@Gina woo ocarina of time a classical, 64 times!