It's the 21st century and it's about time to adapt.
Using multi-axis CNC to replicate ancient sculpture, with 3D models built out of photos taken with cellphones (video banner included):
Though marble quarries are no longer in operation on Pentelicon Mt., an exception will be made for replicating the sculptures in their original material.
This is a very cool project, and a good demonstration of the current state of 3D modelling and CNC capabilities.
But really, *in my opinion*, the British Museum ought to return the Elgin Marbles (and many other looted artifacts) to where they "found" them.
Indeed, one by one all arguments of the British Museum seem to have dissolved leaving bare the colonial "pride" for looted art. But people know better, and the majority of Brits and the rest of the world are in support of their return to the place they belong.
3D printing and machining is what may make space colonization (oops!, must promise not to loot any art from Martians) a reality by the start of next century. <- (*next*, says I)