so I'm reversing after dark for windows.
basically, I adore the "Itchy and Scratchy" screensaver from After Dark: The Simpsons, but it's 16-bit only.
It's a ~300kb NE, borland c++.
It calls into a lot of exports from ADXPL310.DLL which exports only by ordinal. (also borland c++)
After Dark 4.0 contains ADXPL510.DLL which also exports by name. Quite a few exports happen to be direct ports. For example adxpl510!360 aka @PushFarCatch$qpql$v aka void PushFarCatch(void (__cdecl *fptr)(int)) is the 32-bit equivalent of adxpl310!516.
#ReverseEngineering #Win16 #Win32
cc @foone - I know you've been interested in reversing after dark stuff before.