Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia have all decriminalized psychedelic mushrooms, in case you weren't paying attention. So my Washington comrades, now might be a good time to talk about psychedelic anarchism.
Imagination is the most powerful weapon against authoritarianism. If we can't imagine a world beyond this one, especially if we can't imagine the path out, how can we build that future? How can we walk down a path we can't imagine?
Years of research into how PTSD impacts cognition have shown us that trauma suppresses creativity and imagination. The greatest power of fascism is its ability to traumatize us into submission. We become prisoners without chains, trapped simply in our inability to imagine how things could be different.
Guess what psychedelics do.
Simple microdosing can recover some of that capability and can help us begin to imagine new ways to resist. Larger doses (with appropriate trip protocols, set and setting, etc) can increase our creativity and neuroplasticity for days and weeks after, allowing us to both imagine how things could be better and to enact those changes.
It's all too common that we focus on the material conditions of revolution and ignore the psychic ones. The 60s didn't come out of nowhere. Acid was discovered in the 40s. The psychedelic revolution preceded the physical one. We have learned a lot since then.
There aren't enough police in the world to stop us from making things radically better, if we first free our minds. Kill the cop in your head.
"Free your mind... and your ass will follow" isn't just a song title. Revolution is a DIY project, and it starts with you.