Via #CTV News, 12:10pm EDT, Oct 24, 2024
#FrançoisLegault's #CoalitionAvenirQuébec (#CAQ)→refusing to end public funding for #ReligiousSchools
All CAQ MNAs present in House on Thur voted against a #PartiQuébécois (#PQ) motion calling for consistency w/ principles of #secularism & withdrawal of funding for these schools
In #Quebec, some 50 pub schools — #Catholic, #Evangelical, #Protestant, #Muslim, #Jewish & #Orthodox — receive ~$160M/year in public funding
Via #CultMTL
#PartiQuébécois leader #PaulStPierrePlamondon commented on the #disinformation trend on #Xitter, in post on the platform yesterday, drawing line between disinformation via hundreds of fake #X accounts in #Quebec, federal #ConservativeParty leader #PierrePoilievre using #BotFarms to generate praise for his rallies & a #Montreal co & Canadian influencers being caught by #US #DoJ after being paid by #Russia to publish pro-Conservative, pro-#Trump #propaganda.
National #Scotland Flag on top of clock tower of parliament building of National Assembly of
(Photo: Facebook / Paul-St-Pierre Plamondon Leader of the #PartiQuébécois)
Via #CTV
#Quebec #Liberal MP #PabloRodriguez says he deplores tone taken by leader o #PartiQuebecois, who referencd dark moments in #Canadian history 2 justify party's push 4 independence.
Paul Plamondon told news conf Tues the history o #francophones in #Canada=coloured by deportations & executions
Earlier, he referenced Canada's encroachment on Qc jurisdiction as argument 4 sovereignty, pledged 2 hold #referendum on independence b4 '30 should party take power in '26
Parti Québécois leader promises referendum, claiming Ottawa poses ‘existential threat’
PQ Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon told some 500 party members that Quebecers have one 'ultimate' chance to secure their language and culture.
#globalnews #Politics #PartiQuebecois #PaulSt-PierrePlamondon #Quebecpolitics
Parti Québécois is topping provincial polls, but support for independence staying flat
Observers attribute the PQ rebound largely to the growing unpopularity of Premier François Legault and his Coalition Avenir Québec government.
#globalnews #Canada #Politics #PartiQuebecois #PaulSt-PierrePlamondon
« #PaulStPierrePlamondon's #PartiQuébécois (PQ) has confirmed its lead in the #polls again, at a time when support for the #CoalitionAvenirQuébec (CAQ) is melting like snow in the sun.
The #CAQ has lost half its voters in 16 months, according to a survey of 1,175 respondents conducted on Jan. 24 by #PallasData on behalf of #Qc125 and #LActualité. »
#RimaElKoury offre un excellent résumé de ce que fut le #quebec et de ce qu’il pourrait être au chapitre des politiques d’accueil des êtres humains réfugiés en quête d’une terre où refaire leur vie à travers l’histoire de deux familles : l’accueillie et l’accueillante.
Quebec government wants to extend session to adopt health-care reform
The government is proposing extending the legislative committee's work for three days, and reconvening the National Assembly to vote on the bill on Dec. 14.
#globalnews #Canada #Politics #Bill15 #PartiQuebecois
Hé bien. C'est bien de savoir que certains politiciens connaissent d'autres langues que l'anglais.
#HydroQuébec considers reopening #Gentilly2 #nuclear power station
by Philip Authier, August 10, 2023
QUEBEC – "Hydro-Québec is currently studying the possibility of reopening the mothballed Gentilly-2 nuclear plant in #Bécancour to boost #Quebec’s available power resources in the face of soaring demand.
"On Thursday, Hydro officials confirmed the news, first reported by the Journal de Montréal .
"'Concerning the Gentilly-2 station, an evaluation on the current state of the station is underway, to evaluate our options and to feed our reflection on Quebec’s future energy offering,' the utility said in a statement to the Montreal Gazette.
"The new CEO of Hydro-Québec, #MichaelSabia, is already on the record saying he has 'an open mind (on future options) given the context of a strong increase in demand,' the statement added.
"'We are evaluating different possible options to increase the production of clean electricity. It would be irresponsible at this time to exclude certain energy sectors.'
"In 2012, the #PartiQuébécois government endorsed a recommendation from Hydro-Québec to close Gentilly-2, a #CANDU reactor, mainly owing to the high costs of upgrading the installation. It cost Hydro-Québec $80 million to shut down the plant.
"With a capacity of 675 megawatts, the Gentilly-2 reactor started producing power in 1981."
Get out of the Colonialism! Sortons du colonialisme!
Saor Alba Gu Bràth!
Vive le Québec libre!
''Ce fut un réel plaisir de rencontrer la délégation de parlementaires écossais en visite au Québec! Nous avons eu l'occasion de discuter de plusieurs sujets, dont ceux de l'indépendance et de la démocratie.
Merci à #AlisonJohnstone présidente du parlement écossais accompagnée de Mme #ColletteStevenson et de M. #FinlayCarson.'' - Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, #PartiQuébécois
(Source photo: #PQ)
A Message To #Scotland About
Québec Independence — by Dr. Bruce Mabley (Former Canadian diplomat)
We will be important cogs in the new free world. Vive le #Québec libre! Vive l’Écosse libre!
Nation World News
Paul St-Pierre Plamondon today ends his nine-day mission in
#Europe, where he wanted to build ties in support of #independence.
#polQc #PSPP #PartiQuebecois #PQ #paysQc #Quebec #Scotland #YesScots #Catalunya #AUOB
Herald scotland
Quebec nationalists look to pro-indy alliance with Scots and Catalans
The Scotsman
Head of #Quebec nationalist movement: ‘My goal in politics is to hold the third referendum and win it’
Lecture by Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, Leader of the #PartiQuébécois at
The University of #Edinburgh.
(in English)