Discovered Caldera Breaker and now I want to make a landfall deck...

Discovered Caldera Breaker and now I want to make a landfall deck...
Aggro decks in #MTGArena or #Hearthstone are completely braindead. It’s literally just "brain off, go face, done. No thinking, no planning, no nuance, just vomit your hand onto the board and hope it sticks. It's the deck of choice for anyone who thinks strategy is optional and that "face is the place" is a viable life philosophy. Honestly, it's like playing on instinct alone, Neanderthal #gaming at its finest.
You know what? I like Atherdrift. The set has a cool mechanical design and the lore of the factions totally slaps. It doesn't make sense, but who cares. I feel like the omenpath arc just has a lot of missed potential, you know? There's an underlying story going on here about colonialism and cosmopolitanism and technological revolution that is being missed because the design team is focusing on gimmicks. #MTG #MTGArena
Decided to see how well I can do in Alchemy with a rabbit deck using no Hare Apparents. So far so good :D
#MagicTheGathering #MtG #MtGArena
I was really enjoying the mono-red mouse aggro deck in standard a month or two ago. Love to play low and fast, my curve-topper was Screaming Nemesis. I had to take a break, has Aetherdrift introduced anything cool into that package? #mtg #mtgarena #MagicTheGathering
Hey Fedi!
I’d love a new standard format toxic deck, any recommendations for something competitive in the current meta?
FYI - This week's Midweek Magic is an All Access event even though it doesn't say so anywhere on the event description. You can queue into it with a deck with uncrafted cards.
I don't know if this is a mistake, or if signposting hasn't caught up with new policy, but I like it. I normally always skip the Set Constructed MWM, but being able to compete without spending wildcards makes it much more fun.
Do people play Brawl decks that aren't green or black (or both)? #magicthegathering #mtgarena
the dream draft combo
@mtgcardlookup [[Key to the Vault]] [[Cruel Ultimatum]]
why is it "Premier Draft Aetherdrift" and not "Premier Aetherdraft" ?
Played a BLB quick draft on Arena. Drafted a UW deck which is out of my comfort zone.
Lost the first game but somewhere in that game [[Gossip's Talent]] helped as it let me surveil and get rid of 4 (!) consecutive lands in a single turn. That would have been 4 very frustrating turns.
played a game of #MTGArena before going to sleep and i think i broke something
Among other things, the overarching Magic storyline has a serious problem with pacing. Like for example, there is no way Winter should be showing up again as an antagonist this early. You need to let a reveal like that sit for at least a couple of sets. I know this isn't like a Hollywood studio or anything, but they've been doing this for 30 years, you would think they have some handle on how to craft a satisfying transmedia narrative #MTG #MTGArena
My typical #MTGArena experience. Draft a WB deck, use a 50/50 mana base. Draw plains only, never get a chance to play the black cards. And boy could I have used that Feed the Cauldron.
Sure, maybe I should have taken a mulligan and hoped for a starting hand with both plains and swamps, but don't get me started about my luck with mulligans ...
I really dislike Loot. He looks like he was designed by a committee working off a list of bullet points labelled "cute mascot attributes" #MTGArena
Now Foundations has left #Mtgarena I'm ruminating on it, and 2024 in general as an effort to draft more and get better at it.
I know I did shift from being intimidated by the button to being excited to get to press it. I -like- drafting when it's out ahead of me and I like the draft games I watch and the complexities and interesting game interactions they present.
I installed untapped dot gee gee before I started on Foundations so I'd have some statistics and examples I could consider.
Went 6-1 in my very first #MTGArena Qualifier Play-In! Wish I was available for the Qualifier Weekend this month.