Carosella & Associates: Providing strategic criminal defense with compassion, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to protecting individual rights across Pennsylvania. #CriminalJustice #LegalDefense
Carosella & Associates: Providing strategic criminal defense with compassion, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to protecting individual rights across Pennsylvania. #CriminalJustice #LegalDefense
#LuigiMangione Accepts Nearly $300,000 in #Crowdfunded Donations for #LegalDefense
“#Luigi is aware of the fund and very much appreciates the outpouring of support," said his attorney
by Tomas Mier , February 10, 2025
"In the press release about the donations, organizers noted “widespread support” for Mangione, pointing to the viral #FreeLuigi hashtag, which has led to a conversation around for-profit healthcare. (Singer Ethel Cain recently shared the hashtag #KillMoreCEOs in reference to the case.) "
Archived version:
To donate:
That's his legal defense? He's toast . . .
Tornado Cash dev Alexey Pertsev seeks more funding for legal appeal - The case of Alexey Pertsev is more than just a legal battle; it is a piv... - #cryptocommunity #moneylaundering #alexeypertsev #privacyrights #legaldefense #tornadocash #fundraising #justicedao #blockchain #appeal
Eisenberg seeks to have Mango Markets fraud convictions thrown out - Eisenberg has insisted all along that his actions on Mango Markets were ... - #avrahameisenberg #commoditiesfraud #acquittalmotion #cryptocurrency #mangomarkets #legaldefense #cryptofraud #defiexploit #wirefraud #newtrial
AssangeDAO member Silke Noa says $37M spent to rescue Assange - Silke Noa calls for detailed accounting from Wau Holland Foundation on t... - #wauhollandfoundation #assangedaocampaign #nftfundraising #cryptoactivism #julianassange #legaldefense #assangedao #ethereum #$37m
Kraken counters SEC’s legal interpretation in dismissal motion - Kraken argues that the SEC’s efforts to refute unaddressed arguments ind... - #unregisteredsecurities #investmentcontracts #cryptoregulation #dismissalmotion #legaldefense #kraken #sec
Trump’s Lawyers Argue You Can’t Take His Property Values Seriously
New Explosive Roger Stone Video Dooms Donald Trump’s Main Legal Defense: The video was filmed before the election results had even been announced.
Trump Basically One Day Away From Hiring a Lawyer Who Advertises on the Side of a Bus to Defend Him
Former Trump lawyer: Reported audio ‘eviscerates’ defense in documents investigation
Repost from @sfl_arc
Extreme Right Wing Political Agenda Aims to Crush Pro-Choice Activism in Florida: Two Additional Arrests in Precedent Setting FACE Act Case and SLAPP Suits Filed Against Activists:
Share widely and get the word out!
You can donate tax deductible to the legal fund:
The feds are utilizing a law originally meant to protect abortion & reproductive healthcare providers against pro-choice activists. The state seems determined to stop at nothing to stifle dissent & is using every tool in its arsenal.
#Solidarity is our our most powerful tool in the struggle. We’ve got each other. And with your help we will win. Share and donate to their legal defense fund to help the cause and fight against blatant state repression.
We support our political prisoners even when they’re innocent #12YearsForGraffiti
#florida #miami #orlando #greenwave #greenwaveeverywhere #reproductivehealth #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #abortionaccess #reproductivehealthcare #reproductiverightsforall #reproductiverightsarehumanrights #prisonersupport #jailsupport #antirepression #prisonersolidarity #abolition #legalsupport #legaldefense #legaldefensefund #mutualaid #mutualaidfunds #mutualaidrequest #mutualaid2023 #movementlawyering
FTX’s Bankman-Fried Is Allegedly Using Alameda Funds to Pay for Legal Defense - According to two sources close to FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced co-founder... - #white-collarlawyer #chineseofficials #ghislainemaxwell #sambankman-fried #alamedaresearch #jeffreyepstein #u.s.government #bankman-fried #investigation #sextrafficker #formerftxceo #legaldefense #millionaire #prosecutors
Repost from @SFL_ARC
Share widely and get the word out!
Here is our press release announcing our campaign, our goals with the campaign, & more information on the repression hitting Florida activist communities.
You can donate tax deductible to the legal fund:
The feds are utilizing a law originally meant to protect abortion & reproductive healthcare providers against pro-choice activists. The state seems determined to stop at nothing to stifle dissent & is using every tool in its arsenal.
#Solidarity is our our most powerful tool in the struggle. We’ve got each other. And with your help we will win. Share and donate to their legal defense fund to help the cause and fight against blatant state repression.
We support our political prisoners even when their innocent #12YearsForGraffiti
#florida #miami #orlando #greenwave #greenwaveeverywhere #reproductivehealth #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #abortionaccess #reproductivehealthcare #reproductiverightsforall #reproductiverightsarehumanrights #prisonersupport #jailsupport #antirepression #prisonersolidarity #abolition #legalsupport #legaldefense #legaldefensefund #mutualaid #mutualaidfunds #mutualaidrequest #mutualaid2023 #movementlawyering
@UnicornRiot @soflaadmin @igd_news @CrimethInc @FLA_YLF @AtlantaAntifa @dsa_lsc @greenbackdistro @blackrose_rosanegra @guerrillaincjohnbrowngunclub @LukefromDC @nightrunner321 @miaantifanews
"Trump's 'defense team in a difficult spot' as his lies come home to roost" #TrumpGate #LegalDefense
Maker DAO launches $5M legal defense fund - At its inception, the defense fund will receive a budget of $5 mi... - #cryptocurrencies #legaldefense #makerdao
the birdsite is still good for some things tho b/c this just happened
all donations up to the first $500 will be matched by a comrade
Putting stickers on your stuff and out in the world helps get the word out, but donations help us keep being able to pay our lawyers in our #LegalDefense against #TheSatanicTemple and its ongoing #SLAPP suit