a new programming language for eventsourcing that compiles to webassembly. I wonder where this go to. #functionalscala
almost time for second day of #functionalscala. Yesterday was packed with inspiring, very intersecting and curious talks and met a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time. #scala #conference
“More types than you can shake your fist at” #zio #ziostreams #functionalscala
Introducing the “fallen Christmas tree operator” >>: #functionalscala #relational
Kind of feeling like this is trying to introduce a “zcala”/“zala” #functionalscala #ziodirect
ZIO-direct looks very interesting- wonder if it can be as good as going all in on the functional syntax. #zio #ziodirect #functionalscala
“Now we arrive at the magical M word” #monads #functionalscala #monadsarenotmagic
Great to finally be at an in-person #scala #conference @ #functionalscala. Thanks #ziverge for organizing!
Just got a Scholarship Ticket to the Functional Scala 2022! Can't wait for it!
#FunctionalScala #Ziverge