RT @EuroPride: After the crackdowns on @BelgradePride, Serbia has joined Guatemala, Guinea, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe on the @CIVICUSMonitor watch list. #EuroPride2022 https://monitor.civicus.org/SerbiaWatchlist2022/
RT @EuroPride: After the crackdowns on @BelgradePride, Serbia has joined Guatemala, Guinea, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe on the @CIVICUSMonitor watch list. #EuroPride2022 https://monitor.civicus.org/SerbiaWatchlist2022/
RT @violavoncramon: My unwavering support goes to @goranmiletic and all brave activists who took part in @EuroPride in #Belgrade
We will always stand by those who fight for fundamental human rights and freedom.
RT @danophile: The reported €3m cost of policing #EuroPride2022 was so high because so many people threatened us. It was the nationalists, the hooligans and the Orthodox church that cost Serbia that money. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/activists-condemn-right-wing-violence-at-belgrade-europride/
RT @ojala_annika: Last night, I found that my hotel room had been broken into.
I had to make the choice of staying there, afraid of falling asleep, or going to the city at night, where members of my community had just been violently attacked.
These are #LGBTI realities in 2022.
RT @EuroPride: As if Ukraine is not going through enough, as @KharkivPride began yesterday, they started with this show of solidarity for @BelgradePride! #EuroPride2022
RT @GoTracz: We were proudly marching on this year's rainy @belgradepride – in solidarity with the queer society of Serbia, all Western Balkans and all Europe!
With @europeangreens, we stand for democracy, for fundamental and equal rights, for freedom and for love!
RT @LydsG: Incidents of violence against #lgbt activists reported at #EuroPride2022 in #Belgrade #Serbia. I spoke to one activist who was part of a group of 7 attacked by 10 hooligans after leaving Pride. Incident reported to police. Authorities should investigate w/o delay
RT @VerpennteKatze: Das ist der Überrest meines Regenschirms nachdem eine Freundin und ich auf dem Rückweg vom @EuroPride gestern niedergeschlagen wurden. Wir sind okay. Albanische Aktivist*innen wurden noch schlimmer angegriffen. #EuroPride2022
I am completely exhausted after #EuroPride2022.
I am happy with what
But I am also angry.
Angry with hateful political movements attacking us.
But also angry about a political context where many still do not understand what is at stake.
Neues vom Ballaballa-Balkan: #EuroPride2022 in #Belgrad - Rechtsextreme und orthodoxe Kirche marschieren gegen die Europride auf. Krsto ist vor Ort und erzählt Franziska Tschinderle von seinen Eindrücken - Podcast: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2022/09/18/neues-vom-ballaballa-balkan-europride-2022-in-belgrad/ #belgradepride #BelgradePride2022 #antireport
RT @Krstorevic: So sah es außerhalb unserer für die #Europride2022 abgesperrten Zone aus.
Schaut sie euch an. Das sind die Leute, die behaupten gute serbische und christliche Werte zu vertreten und die von Kirche und Teilen der Regierung aufgehetzt wurden.
RT @Milan__Nikolic: love
except hate, homophobia, misogyny, darkness, past, repression, ignorance #EuroPride2022 #BelgradePride #BelgradePride2022 #europride
RT @EuroPride: We are gathering for the historic #EuroPride2022 March. We March in 40 minutes. Thanks to all the incredible and brave @belgradepride activists who have got us to this point.
RT @OIIEurope: We walked!
RT @Dunja_Mijatovic: You are writing history! Bravo #EuroPride2022 @goranmiletic @EuroPride #Belgrade #Serbia
RT @Kira_MPH: Der er voldsomme moddemoer, politi, og to damer forsøgte at fordrive “LGBT+-djævlene”, da vi ankom.
Men nu er vi her, og nu marcherer vi for menneskerettigheder.
#belgradepride #EuroPride2022 #eudk
Nothing is more powerful than celebrating Pride with the love of your life.
We took to the streets for freedom, for democracy, for equality and for love.
„I am very happy to say: We will all be welcome to march in @EuroPride in Belgrade this afternoon.”
@helenadalli with clear words at the Pride reception by the Serbian Prime Minister.
We will be in the streets demonstrating for our rights.
RT @EuroPride: BREAKING NEWS: The @SerbianPM has just confirmed that the #EuroPride2022 march CAN go ahead this afternoon. She said she ‘Can guarantee the safety of everyone participating.’ https://www.epoa.eu/international-pressure-enables-europride-to-go-ahead/
#HappyPride #Belgrad
RT @svenlehmann
The @SerbianPM Ana Brnabić just announced that @EuroPride in #Belgrade is going to take place and will be secured by the police.
It is so important that people from all over Europe are supporting the #LGBTIQ* community here in Serbia.
Happy Pride!