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Chance of Japan's #NankaiTrough #megaquake raised to 80%: government panel


"The chance of a megaquake occurring in the Nankai Trough within the next 30 years has increased to approximately 80 percent, the government's earthquake investigation panel said Wednesday.

"Recalculations are made every January, taking into account the passage of time. The probability of a magnitude 8 to 9 quake along the trough in the Pacific had previously been estimated at 70 to 80 percent since 2018.

"Noting that M6.0-level quakes have repeatedly occurred in Japan since the temblor on the Noto Peninsula, central Japan, on Jan. 1, 2024, the panel's chairman Naoshi Hirata, professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, emphasized the need for continued vigilance as active seismic activity will likely continue for a while.

"Such seismic activity has not been observed in Japan before, making 'it difficult to predict when it might subside,' Hirata said.

"Earlier this week, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued its second-ever Nankai Trough Extra Information after an earthquake of magnitude of 6.6 struck southwestern Japan.

"But while the jolting occurred beneath the western edge of the hypothesized epicenter of a Nankai Trough quake, the agency did not issue a special alert as it was not deemed to have immediately raised the risk of a megaquake."

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#RethinkNotRestart #FukushimaIsntOver #WaterIsLife #NoMoreFukushimas #NoMoreChernobyls #StopNucléaire #Nucléaire #EnergiesRenouvelables #AntiAtom #NoNukes #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #Nucleaire #AtomkraftNeinDanke

KYODO NEWS+ · Chance of Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake raised to 80%: government panelBy KYODO NEWS

In #Japan, fears mount of a massive 2011-style earthquake on disaster anniversary

Scientists warn seismic energy accumulating under the #ChishimaTrench off #Hokkaido has the potential to trigger a magnitude-8.8 earthquake

by Julian Ryall
Updated: 9:48am, 11 Mar 2025

"As Japan marks the anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated large areas of the country’s northeast in 2011, experts have warned that the seismic conditions in an underwater trench off Hokkaido hint at another powerful tremor.

"A five-year study of the Chishima Trench, which runs parallel to the east coast of Hokkaido about 150km (93 miles) offshore, has determined that the two plates are not slipping past each other. Instead, sections of the plates appear to be joined together but that when they do inevitably break free, a huge amount of seismic energy will be unleashed.

"Experts at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology have been studying the trench with scientists from Tohoku University and Hokkaido University and believe the plates may have been fused together since the last major earthquake in the region in the 17th century.

"A separate report released by the government has stated that the likelihood of a quake with a magnitude of at least 8.8 in the trench within the next 30 years stands at between 7 per cent and 40 per cent.

"That might sound like an inexact likelihood and timescale, said Fumiaki Tomita, assistant professor at Tohoku University’s research centre for the prediction of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but he pointed out that predicting seismic activity was notoriously difficult."

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#RethinkNotRestart #FukushimaIsntOver #WaterIsLife #NoMoreFukushimas #NoMoreChernobyls #StopNucléaire #Nucléaire #EnergiesRenouvelables #AntiAtom #NoNukes #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #Nucleaire #AtomkraftNeinDanke #Anniversaire311

South China Morning Post · Fears mount in Japan of a massive 2011-style earthquake on disaster anniversaryScientists warn seismic energy accumulating under the Chishima Trench off Hokkaido has the potential to trigger a magnitude-8.8 earthquake.

#FirstVoicesRadio Host #TiokasinGhosthorse, Cheyenne River #Lakota, Welcomes #LeonaMorgan, #Diné, '#HaulNo!'

By First Voices Radio, March 9, 2025

Kingston, NY: "This week’s program was inspired by 'Flagstaff ‘NO!’ To Radioactive Trucks', an article by our friend
#BrendaNorrell in #CensoredNews on February 10, 2025. Returning guest Leona Morgan (Diné) is an #Indigenous organizer who has been fighting #NuclearColonialism since 2007. She is a cofounder of Haul No!, a campaign to stop a #UraniumMine near the #GrandCanyon and transport thru #NavajoNation. Recently, Leona helped to halt #Holtec in #NewMexico. Leona is also pursuing a Master of Community and Regional Planning at the University of
New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico."

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'Flagstaff ‘NO!’ To Radioactive Trucks', February 10, 2025:

For more information, visit these websites:,
#HaulNo #NoMoreFukushimas #NoMoreChernobyls #FourCornersToFukushima #NoNukes #NuclearWeapons #NuclearWaste #FukushimaIsntOver #RethinkNotRestart #WaterIsLife #StopNucléaire #Nucléaire #EnergiesRenouvelables #AntiAtom #NoNukes #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #AtomkraftNeinDanke #PinyonPlain #WhiteMesaMill #NoUraniumMining #DefendTheSacred #WaterIsLife #AirIsLife #ShutDownPinyonPlain #NoMiningWithoutConsent
#ReaderSupportedNews #DontNukeTheGrandCanyon #DontNukeThePlanet #WeAreTheFuture

#TucsanArizona! TODAY! March 11, 2025!

Group plans protest at Tucson Electric after utilities propose new nuclear plant

"With a new nuclear reactor in #Arizona now a possibility, a grassroots group is planning a protest in #Tucson on the 14th anniversary of the start of the #Fukushima accident in Japan.

"The #NuclearResister, which bills itself as an educational group opposed to nuclear power and weapons, said it plans to hold a curbside press conference and demonstration at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday in front of the downtown headquarters of #TucsonElectricPower near Broadway Road and Sixth Avenue. The group advocates for a '#NuclearFreeFuture' with nonviolent #protests and other actions."

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#FukushimaIsntOver #RethinkNotRestart #WaterIsLife #NoMoreFukushimas #NoMoreChernobyls #StopNucléaire #Nucléaire #EnergiesRenouvelables #AntiAtom #NoNukes #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #Nucleaire #AtomkraftNeinDanke #Anniversaire311


'Nervous and rushed': Massive #Fukushima plant cleanup exposes workers to high radiation and stress

Mon, March 10, 2025 at 10:01 PM EDT

OKUMA, Japan (AP) — "The #FukushimaDaiichi #NuclearPower plant's radiation levels have significantly dropped since the cataclysmic meltdown 14 years ago Tuesday. Workers walk around in many areas wearing only surgical masks and regular clothes.

"It's a different story for those who enter the reactor buildings, including the three damaged in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. They must use maximum protection — full facemasks with filters, multi-layered gloves and socks, shoe covers, hooded hazmat coveralls and a waterproof jacket, and a helmet.

"As workers remove melted fuel debris from the reactors in a monumental nuclear cleanup effort that could take more than a century, they are facing both huge amounts of psychological stress and dangerous levels of radiation."

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#FukushimaIsntOver #RethinkNotRestart #WaterIsLife #NoMoreFukushimas #NoMoreChernobyls #Tohuku #Earthquake #StopNucléaire #Nucléaire #EnergiesRenouvelables #AntiAtom #NoNukes #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #Nucleaire #AtomkraftNeinDanke #Anniversaire311

Yahoo News · 'Nervous and rushed': Massive Fukushima plant cleanup exposes workers to high radiation and stressBy MARI YAMAGUCHI

Sortir du nucléaire☢ 14 ans de la catastrophe de Fukushima : VAKS tire la sonnette d'alarme: À partir de 10:00 Lieu : SPF (Service Public Fédéral) Energie - Avenue du Roi Albert II 16 à Bruxelles (1000) Stop au nucléaire, focus sur les énergies renouvelables ! Le nouveau réseau d'action VAKS (United Action Nuclear Stop) appelle à l'arrêt de l'énergie nucléaire en Belgique et proteste contre les projets… #Fukushima #Nucléaire #EnergiesRenouvelables #StopNucléaire #VAKS

🕸glané sur le net🕸 Néocolonialisme vert dans le monde arabe: Dans le monde arabe comme ailleurs, les modalités de la transition vers les énergies renouvelables sont surdéterminées par les intérêts des multinationales et les besoins d'approvisionnement des pays du Nord. La majorité des projets reproduisent les dynamiques historiques de dépossession et de (…)
-- Alternatives Sud -… #Néocolonialisme #ÉnergiesRenouvelables #MoyenOrient #AfriqueDuNord #Environnement

Centre tricontinental · Néocolonialisme vert dans le monde arabe – Centre tricontinentalDans le monde arabe comme ailleurs, les modalités de la transition vers les énergies renouvelables sont surdéterminées par les intérêts des (...)

[La Croix] - Énergies renouvelables : l’Allemagne de plus en plus branchée sur l’électricité verte.

Après avoir abandonné le #nucléaire en 2023, l’#Allemagne bat des records en matière de production d’#ÉnergieRenouvelable. Celle-ci représente désormais plus de 60 % de l’électricité du pays. Mais cette #TransitionÉnergétique en bonne voie pourrait être remise en cause à l’issue des élections du 23 février.

#RenewableEnergy #ÉlectricitéVerte
#RevueDePresse #Press

La Croix · Énergies renouvelables : l’Allemagne de plus en plus branchée sur l’électricité verteBy Delphine Nerbollier, correspondante à Berlin

[La Tribune] - #Chine : des installations d'#ÉnergieRenouvelable construites à un niveau record en 2024.

Le pays a battu en 2024 son propre record mondial en termes d'installations de capacités de production d'énergie renouvelable, selon des données officielles chinoises publiées ce mardi.

#RevueDePresse #Press

La Tribune · Chine : des installations d'énergie renouvelable construites à un niveau record en 2024By La Tribune

Le pétrolier #BP licencie en masse et enterre les #ÉnergiesRenouvelables pour séduire la Bourse

"Oubliées les énergies renouvelables, le pétrolier britannique BP entend désormais miser en priorité sur les #ÉnergiesFossiles, une nouvelle stratégie accompagnée de l’annonce de 4.700 suppressions d’emplois en interne et 3.000 chez ses sous-traitants. L’idée étant d’améliorer sa compétitivité et de « réduire ses coûts », a souligné le groupe, jeudi, dans un communiqué."

Yahoo Actualités · Le pétrolier BP licencie en masse et enterre les énergies renouvelables pour séduire la BourseBy 20 Minutes avec AFP

#EnergiesRenouvelables : vers la fin de l'intermittence

"Engranger l'énergie produite par le solaire et l'#éolien pour la restituer à la demande : ce défi est aujourd'hui en passe d'être remporté, grâce à l'augmentation des capacités de #stockage et au pilotage de réseaux européens.".

#TransitionÉnergétique #RéchauffementClimatique #ChangementClimatique #photovoltaïque

Tunisie : Signature d'accords pour deux centrales #solaires à Sidi Bouzid et Tozeur

Ce mercredi 18 septembre, deux accords importants ont été signés au Palais du gouvernement à la Kasbah pour la construction de centrales solaires à Sidi Bouzid et Tozeur..

#Energie #Tunisie #tozeur #Scatec #ÉnergiesRenouvelables #AEOLUS #SidiBouzid
Tunisie : Signature d'accords pour deux centrales solaires à Sidi Bouzid et Tozeur

Webdo TNTunisie : Signature d'accords pour deux centrales solaires à Sidi Bouzid et TozeurBy AZ