In 2024, we launched Zen, introduced many new features, and hit 2M downloads. Next year, we’ll keep improving and growing together.
Thanks for being part of the journey—Happy New Year!
@zenbrowser Here a user. Good job, keep up the good work, and thanks for your effort.
@zenbrowser The last browser piqued my interest was Vivaldi, around 2015-16. Zen is doing that right now as well. Thanks for everything you do!
@zenbrowser Thanks for what you've done! I enjoy the browsing experience more than ever before.
@zenbrowser please make the logo of your profile picture the default icon for Zen and not the black one that currently is. Also consider each ring fading in as it moves from outside to inside. That, in combination with more irregular shape and slight off-centeredness would make it much less like a bullseye and more like a set of stones on top of each other, viewed from above.