I have a #3dprinting order from a friend who is a fan of Aristotle to print them a bust of him. They chose to do it in marble filament, should be fun. Already ordered the filament.
It looks to be a ~10 hour print for a 13 cm tall bust. Will update with progress in the coming days.
This is the bust they preferred https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1628753
Received the marble PLA filament today, so I started #3dprinting Aristotle. The first 45 minutes went ok so far. ~8 more hours to go though. When it prints I'll try to post the time lapse.
Went with 0.24mm layer height, so it will take ~9 hours total instead of 10.
Ok, that went well. Aristotle's bust printed successfully on the first try! It took 8 hours and 20 minutes.
There is a small hole under his chin, but it's not visible when he's on a shelf. Pretty happy with the marble PLA. Asked my friend if they want a slightly bigger one
He looked funny with the supports too.