What does #fedi think about #merechristianity by #cslewis? I'm currently listening to it for the third time.
I really should listen to this book more often. I keep forgetting just how good it is! It's the perfect example of how having a centrist mentality doesn't mean, as I've heard one person say, "being too much of a pussy to pick a side".
True #christianity does not please anybody perfectly. It's not meant to. There are a few things that Christianity teaches that I wish were not true because they are inconvenient but that doesn't make them any less true.
@tkk13909 C. S. Lewis is great. I read one of his bios which referenced G. K. Chesterton’s influence on his conversion. He mentioned his book Orthodoxy which I really benefited from. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/16769/16769-h/16769-h.htm