Updated Intro 9/21/2023 after Twitter talk of sub only for everyone. No, that's not what made me leave.
Everything in my Profile of course
Taking care of my elderly father who has dementia. #Caregiver #Dementia
I'm no longer active on Twitter, but I haven't fully left yet. Also on Kbin.social for my Reddit-like Fix. Blew away my Reddit account.
I was on G+ before that, and didn't hate it like most. Used to #Ingress as Thor from the start, but have retired.
I'm a computer geek. I love gaming. I love running game servers for my friends.
Originally majored as an Electrical Engineer, Moved to Computer Engineering and then Computer Science.
Finished my Bachelor's in Programming. Served 10 years in web development (FED) after I thought that might be for me...companies thought differently. Jaded after that.
Got a good mixture of IT skills: Networking
Desktop support
Some Programming but I focus on FED and Scriptiing
Electronics Repair
Figuring out the best instance to be on takes a little bit of time...and actually spending sometime figuring out the service. I found my initial instance wasn't right for me...a lot of non-english posts in local, and a lot of them. My second instance was a tad slow...and I'm reserving that for the content I'll find there. I landed here because I wanted a bit more of a technology focus in my local.