Did you know that #Mastodon supports #RSS feeds?
That means you can follow your favorite people and topics right inside of Thunderbird!
→ Just add ".rss" to the URL ←
For example, our Mastodon URL "https://mastodon.online/@thunderbird"
What about #hashtags? YEP!
Let's look at #OpenSource. From our instance, it is: "https://mastodon.online/tags/opensource"
So, we just append .rss and it works!
REALLY useful if you don't want to miss a thing!
@thunderbird Did not know that. As an RSS fanatic, that’s brilliant.
@joemcken You could even organize various account and hashtag feeds inside of subfolders if you wanted to get really crazy!
@thunderbird Oh, I already use folders and subfolders like a maniac. I gotta, what with my – <checks> – 393 feeds
@joemcken *Whistle* That's impressive. @killyourfm (the person running this account) only has about 180.
That's Thunderbird for everyone